Why Some Kids Get Attached To Their Plushies

Why Some Kids Get Attached To Their Plushies

Almost all young children have a plush toy they play with constantly and take it everywhere. They drag it about the house, talk to it, and even sleep with it. It becomes their dependable ally. Getting it away from them long enough to wash can be difficult. In the following paragraphs, discover why these parents and childhood specialists think kids take to these stuffed animals.


Well, at some point, if you love your plushie, you have asked this question at some point; Why am I so attached to my childhood stuffed animal? And Why Some Kids Get Attached to Their Plushies, well in this article, we will take a look at some reasons why we get so attached to plushies and will take a look at what the opinions of psychology are, and at the end, we will answer some common questions.


Why Are Children So Attached To Their Stuffed Animals?

Why Are Children So Attached To Their Stuffed Animals

Promotes Stability

Many children grow to be incredibly attached to one specific stuffed animal, and disaster ensues if they are away from them—especially at bedtime. Even though this may irritate parents, it is normal for development and a sign of emotional well-being. The idea that even when parents are out of sight, they aren’t [gone] is something young children are learning about as object permanence. 


The mere fact that mommy is in the adjacent room does not guarantee that she won’t return.

Children can cope with this psychologically by finding something that constantly reminds them of their parent’s affection. This is why it’s referred to as a transitional object—it helps kids move past the need to constantly be with their parents to feel comfortable. Since children are naturally comforted and soothed by fluffy and fuzzy textures, a plush toy is an object that is most frequently used for this purpose.

We utilize cuddly toys in play therapy to assist children in growing their capacity for nurturing others. 


Children are encouraged to conduct caring activities like feeding and dressing because they make them feel warm and fuzzy. If you’ve ever seen a child holding a picnic with a teddy bear, you can understand what I’m talking about. Children are learning how to be better friends and even future parents when they go through the motions of caring for a toy. A youngster can self-soothe and relive the experience of being cared for by a parent through nurturing play.


Emotional and Social Skills


Science has validated what parents have known for years: kids adore their cuddly toys and develop emotional attachments. As a parent of three and an educator, I believe there is more to it than first appears.


Children’s emotions are influenced by their social environment. A young child will attach to a soft plush toy because it gives them a sense of security and familiarity and gives them a chance to practice social skills without adult supervision. The toy doesn’t recommend any particular actions. It does not endorse, criticize, or pass judgment on your actions or words. When a child is hanging out with a plush friend, it’s one of the few times they have complete control over every element of their sociability.


Additionally, it’s a fantastic chance to improve emotional intelligence. When a youngster throws a teddy bear out of bed, the bear won’t say anything, but the child will still feel sorry for the bear or empathize with it.


Represent a Feeling of Security, Comfort, and Emotional Health.

Represent a Feeling of Security, Comfort, and Emotional Health

Because they evoke feelings of warmth, security, and emotional well-being in children, stuffed animals and blankets are frequently cherished possessions. Children develop a sense of trust and safety with their primary caregivers and in their homes during the early years of life. But they also start to yearn for a sense of freedom and adventure. A natural anxiousness develops as they feed this urge to explore because of the unknown and being away from home and caregivers.


Children will go for items like stuffed animals that symbolize comfort as transitional objects to help them self-soothe to reduce their anxiousness. Any object that represents stability, comfort, and safety to reduce anxiety is referred to as a transitional object. Blankets and stuffed animals are frequently used as transitional items because the child is comfortable and safe in bed or cot.


The feeling of Comfort


For kids, playing with plush toys can be beneficial. Kids can cope with stress and other tough emotions with plush toys. Children find comfort in cuddling a soft plush toy and might develop attachments to the sense of security that a particular plush toy can offer.

Kids are less likely to get bored with plush toys since they are open-ended and can be used in various ways. There are countless ways to act out different stories when playing with a soft toy. They are a great toy for kids because of this.


Children can develop their social skills by playing with cuddly toys. While playing pretends with their stuffed animals, children can practice nurturing and developing interpersonal relationships. Children can also assume the role of mom or dad, which gives them a sense of maturity and self-assurance. Talking to plush animals allows children to practice linguistic skills and expand their vocabulary. Kids’ imaginations are encouraged to grow when they play with plush toys.


Particular plush toys might cause children to develop intense attachments. While this attachment might aid children in developing social skills, it could be risky if the object goes missing. Parents might think about keeping a spare of their child’s most prized soft toy.


They Feel Secure 


Before they are ever played with, kids are given stuffed or plush toys. As children get older, they are surrounded by these things. Because they have known certain toys for a long time, they grow accustomed to them. They are at ease and secure with these toys because of their familiarity. When they have their toys with them, kids can get over their anxiety about being separated.

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II: Psychology’s Views on Adults Who Own Stuffed Animals

Psychology’s Views on Adults Who Own Stuffed Animals
Having stuffed animals as an adult is very appropriate in psychologists’ eyes. Children use teddy bears and soft blankets as transitional goods as they move from dependence to independence. This is most usually used when a child must spend the night apart from their mother or alone. They grasp this reassuring object before going to sleep.

Clinical psychologist and paediatrician Donald Winnicott coined the term “transitional object,” which can be used to describe comfort things that might lower separation anxiety and make us feel less lonely.


Is it Normal to Get Attached to Plushies?


The short answer is YES. 


You’re not the only grownup who forms a bond with plush toys. With a significant part of millennials, a staggering 40% of people still sleep with a stuffed animal from childhood.

For instance, 84 per cent of the male respondents who made up the survey’s 43% of the 2,000 participants own at least one, compared to 77 per cent of women who still have stuffed animals in their beds.


III: 5 Advantages of Stuffed Animals For Adults 

Advantages of Stuffed Animals For Adults

  1. To Get Better Sleep


Sleeping with a teddy bear might occasionally be all about tenderness. Out of habit, some adults continue to use them as pillows when they sleep. However, other people find it impossible to fall asleep without their stuffed animals.

Therefore, if you use a stuffed animal to help you sleep in order to improve your quality of sleep, psychologists see nothing wrong with it. Besides alcohol and narcotics, anything that makes you fall asleep more quickly is beneficial.


  1. In Order To Lessen Loneliness


Teddy bears have been linked to minimizing loneliness in childhood, which can last into adulthood. Since humans are social creatures, they will go to any lengths to avoid feeling lonely.

Our stuffed animals can decrease the worry that comes with spending the night alone, even though they can never totally replace interpersonal interaction.


  1. To Help With Trauma 


Few people are aware that stuffed animals have the ability to ease extremely painful past experiences. When a trauma survivor “re-parents,” they can aid the child in overcoming traumatic childhood memories, particularly if the child was subjected to abuse or neglect.

The child can learn to treat the teddy bear with the same love and care that they would show to themselves. Through the teddy bear, they can express their affection while feeling better about themselves.


  1. To Bring Back Childhood Memories


Frequently, it seems like they are just going through the motions. Having a stuffed animal nearby might bring back memories of our parents and siblings or sensations of comfort and hugging, which can provide continuity and support for our present selves.
Furthermore, reminiscence tends to enhance our mood.


  1. To Reduce Stress 


Stress can be lessened by animals, whether they are stuffed or live. Cortisol levels in our bodies can be lowered by petting animals. So go ahead and pet or squeeze your favourite teddy bear; your body will appreciate it!

High cortisol levels have been linked to weight gain and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, according to studies.




Is Owning a Stuffed Animal Stigmatized?


It varies. You may be concerned about the stigma associated with your attachment to plush toys as an adult because they are typically associated with children.

If you’re still not persuaded that it’s appropriate, keep in mind that 43% of respondents freely acknowledged still owning childhood teddies.


Of course, you still have to think about the role the stuffed animal plays in your life. Do you find it difficult to build deeper relationships with others and turn to your teddy bear for solace instead? Is shame a factor in your relationship with plush toys? You need to be on the lookout for those few items.

Is it Healthy For a Child To Be Attached To a Toy?


Yes, it is; in fact, stuffed toys help children get a feeling of what the world of interactions is like.


Is it Typical For Adults To Develop Strong Emotional Bonds With Plush Animals?


Yes, it is quite common for adults to have an emotional connection to stuffed animals, especially if they served as comforting companions for them as children. They offered security and comfort as transitional items, which may have benefited your psychological health as an adult.


At What Age Should a Child Stop Carrying a Stuffed Animal?


Well, that’s a tricky question, as there is no set age when a child should stop carrying a stuffed animal. Every child is different and may have varying levels of attachment to their toy. It’s perfectly normal and healthy for a child to find comfort in their stuffed animal, and there’s no need to rush them into giving them up. Ultimately, when a child feels ready to let go of their toy, it should be their decision, not anyone else’s.


Is it Weird For Adults To Have a Stuffed Animal?


Adult guys sleeping with plush animals is not odd, no! According to the same survey cited above, 84 per cent of the 43 per cent of respondents who acknowledged lying in bed with weighted plush animals were guys.


In Conclusion


Understand that it’s not a terrible thing if you’re wondering what psychology has to say about sleeping with a teddy bear. Even many psychologists support it!

They strongly advise you to keep that link if they offer you protection and comfort.

It may be time to reevaluate your relationship with the stuffed animal if it is significantly affecting your quality of life or if you are experiencing a lot of worry because of it. There may be some underlying trauma that needs to be healed first.


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